January 26, 2011

When The Enemy Is A Friend

I like many people live with an enemy inside my home.  Taunting me and laughing at me.  It is my bathroom scale and I can't stand it.  Rarely does it show what I want it to show.  Not once has it shaved off a few pounds to make me feel a little better.  Each time I stand on it I'm told in cold hard numbers the truth.  It let's me know if my efforts are paying off and when my slacking off is catching up to me.  As much as I want to hate it, I have to get it in my head that my scale is just a presenter of the facts.  It presents the truth whether I like it or not.  When it comes to being healthy, a dose of the truth is always in our best interest.  So scale, maybe we're not enemies after all, but it still might take some time before I consider us friends. 

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