January 16, 2011

Big and Small

Heard a great word at church today.  It basically was this.

What we think is big, God often looks at and says it's small.  What we think is small, God often looks at and says it's big.

I think of the trials and tribulations we face.  We think they are so large as to be completely unconquerable, yet God must laugh because in reality they are so small to Him.  With words alone God creates all that is seen; surely the large problems of life can be handled by the all powerful Lord.  They are easy.  They are small.

In the same vein I think of the things we consider small and unimportant.  We allow small sins to go unchecked in our lives because we wrongly compare them to "big" sins.  We think they are tiny and we can get by with them in our lives.  Yet God looks at these things that we consider inconsequential, and He sees a big problem.  He sees something that needs to be dealt with and corrected.

Perhaps we need to readjust our vision to see things the way God sees them.  No problem is too great for God to handle, and no sin is too small for God to ignore.

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