October 29, 2009

A New Method

Sometimes it's good to shake up the normal way we do things. A little change can bring a fresh perspective. For the past few weeks I have been undertaking a new method for my sermon preparation. I want to thank Gene Roncone for sharing his teaching notes on the method that I am currently using. The crazy thing about change is that while it can be a good thing, the process is not always enjoyable. The steps I'm undertaking now in my weekly preparation are not natural for me. Sometimes I feel like giving up because it is difficult for me. Yet, with this change I find myself having to go deeper in the text I'm
planning to use. I find myself thinking deeper about what God is saying and wants to say through it. The time I'm spending to prepare has increased dramatically as I expected with learning a new way. That added to an already full schedule makes life hectic at times, but it's worth it. The eventual dividends outweigh the current struggle.

With that said, I need to get back to my preparation.

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