October 28, 2009

Destroyed By Choice

One of the hardest things about being in the ministry is that you get to watch people choose destruction. People that no matter how much you care about them, no matter how much to teach them, and no matter how much you you fight for them, still choose to live a life apart from Christ. There are many I've seen where I know the end result of their choices, yet they choose to ignore it. It's not that they don't know. They know full well, but they choose not to believe. A choice not to follow Christ is a choice for destruction.

Thankfully, there are others that I see that have so much promise. They are striving to live and do what God has asked. They struggle, but they don't quit. May they keep wrestling with God because when we wrestle with Him, He wins. And when God wins out in our life, we win too.

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