August 2, 2008


Prov. 16:2 All a man’s ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord.

I came across this verse a couple of weeks ago in my devotions and it has just been hammering me ever since. I sadly realize how much stock I put in my own opinion. How easily I paint over my faults and failures with a stroke of “I know I’m doing what’s right.” How often do we loudly proclaim our actions are of the purest intent, when deep down inside they really might be suspect?

I love my Lord and I know he loves me. Yet, I will still give an account of my life before him. Will things like my works which I consider pure and holy, be burned up because my motives were wrong? Do I want to reach my neighbor out of love or so I can have a good illustration and something to blog about?

Just something to pray about.

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