December 1, 2009

Here in Kenya

I am writing this from a Kenyan wildlife refuge. This is part of the fun of our trip. Got to watch some rhinos. Pretty interesting.

Still fighting some sickness from the the travels. So far the trip has been unpleasant with small sparkles of enjoyment because of it. I hope that reverses before the end.

The most interesting thing I've noticed so far, besides the rhino squaring up to charge the other half of our team's vehicle, has been the guards. Everywhere you go you see guards. At the Nakumaat (basically a Walmart), guarding where we stayed last night, outside of restaurant's. I understand fully well that they are there to keep you safe, but the question that of course surfaces in your mind is why do we need guards everywhere?

In my life in America, there have only been a few times where I found myself in a place that I considered not safe. For the most part I completely take safety for granted.

That 's it for the moment. Please pray for me if you can so I can get over this sickness. I'll try to write more if I get access to Internet.

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