January 3, 2009

My First Climbing Wall

My wife and I have realized that we have been blessed with a son that loves to climb. He climbs the couch, the chairs, the end table, and the coffee table to name a few. He’s only 13 months old, but he knows to move chairs to climb up on the kitchen table.

I have come up with a conclusion. Most of the gifts that we got him for Christmas were pointless. Cars? Meaningless. Little Tykes basketball set? Worthless. What we needed to buy him was some sort of “My First Climbing Wall.” Instead of risking injury on unstable furniture, why not have a safely designed rock wall? We already had some sort of bouncy swing that clamped to a door post so surely it should be easier to design a safety harness and clamps that allow climbing but without that long drop to the floor.

Just an idea.

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