January 20, 2009

In The Bubble

Read the book “Not The Religious Type” by Dave Schmelzer recently. Had some really good thoughts that really sparked my mind. I like a book that does that. Most of my thoughts have been revolving around the way we view Christianity. Is it a bubble or a journey. It really seems that many people view it as a bubble. Once you accept Christ you are in that bubble. As long as you stay in the bubble you are good. The problem that I see is that the bubble ends up being the destination. Instead of pursuing a deeper relationship with Christ, we find ourselves satisfied that we are in the bubble. As I look at people I’ve seen accept Christ and then drift away, I wonder if this was the case. Accepting Christ was the end of the road instead of being what it really is, the start of a relationship with the living Lord. The start of an incredible adventure. More later.

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