June 5, 2008

Goodbye Depression

I wanted to relate some if the powerful things that happened in the lives of my youth on the missions trip here. Hopefully, I’ll be getting them to write out what God did for them so I can post those on the youth site. So, until that I’ll try to keep my testimonies here anonymous.

One of my youth struggled a little during the week. A lot a time heading off alone and not always diving into the work. On Friday during the fire tunnel prayer time, this youth declared that they had been depressed and that God had taken it away. I thought it was great, but you never can tell on things like that. Well, the student’s mom told us that since we’ve been back her youth is completely different at home. Respectful, doing what is asked, and simply pleasing to be around. A major change that both her and her husband noticed.

To me that’s awesome. May it continue.

God loves to minister to and bless His people, but even more so when his people are willing to head out and serve others.

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