June 28, 2008

Hearing the Call

Just another thought from the missions trip. While we were in Toledo, some of the pastors prayed some pretty incredible things over some of my youth. Now, before any one gets excited, we instructed our youth to pray about what the pastors felt God leading them to say. If God really wants it to happen, he will begin speaking it to the hearts of the youth. The amazing thing, for many of the youth the pastors were praying as if each individual youth’s life was laid open before them. They were praying some specific things that made Kelly and my eyes almost pop out. Dead on accurate. And really, why not? The Holy Spirit is with us and guiding us.

Why all the preface? One of our youth was told that God was calling them to the ministry. It’s one that I believe God has been doing some great things in. Then, later that day, someone else told that youth that they really felt that they would wind up in China some day to save a girl. Maybe missions, maybe adoption, but being used by God. We’ve strongly instructed that youth to pray and wait for God to make it real, but I can really see it in them.

Another one of my youth was told that they were going to be bold. Later that day, the same youth was told that they were going to be the second greatest preacher that the person had ever heard.

What’s it mean? I think God hasn’t given up on this generation. God is still working and calling people to be his own.

We’ll all keep praying and seeking the Lord. I’m excited to see what might happen.

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