September 5, 2009

Revisiting the Gnome

I realized that I never got back on here and shared what my message on the garden gnome was all about. I did some light research on gnomes and then narrowed it down to garden gnomes specifically. I stress the word "light" in my research. I gleaned four points about garden gnomes from this.

1. They are helpers.
2. They work behind the scenes.
3. They work to help things grow (in the garden).
4. Some people absolutely hate them.

With those four thoughts in mind, I preached about the Holy Spirit.

1. He is a helper the Lord has given us.
2. He works behind the scenes deep in our life.
3. He helps us to mature and grow.
4. There is an amazing amount of hatred for the Spirit today.

I thought the points were pretty good and it fit well. Now honesty. I got into the prep so much that I wan't thinking about length. I went longer than what I think is the max for youth that are listening. That was my fault. I should have worked more to streamline the message. Another proof of my lack of perfection.

Anyway, I enjoyed it and if you're following this blog, you know that we are on to our second item now. The cottage cheese carton.

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