September 22, 2009

The Hat Message

Tonight I preached my final sermon in the "Everything a Message" series. Next week my wife will take a stab at it to finish the series. I wish I could take credit for the idea, but my mom came up with the basic premise that I ran with.

I talked about how it is a fun and crazy hat. It's bright orange and fuzzy. Yet, if you turn the brim of the hat up, you see a leopard pattern. Leopards are hunters. They hunt and kill other animals. So beneath the fun and frivolity, you find the pattern of a killer.

Our enemy is no different. He masquerades as an angel of light while he is really a killer. He works his best to package evil as something lighthearted and fun, but beneath it is eternal death.

I kept the message short and to the point. I closed with the point that if we want to escape eternal punishment, we have to allow God to be God in our lives. That means we must give him the right to point out things in our lives that displease Him and then when He does, we must change. Too often we accept and enjoy what God doesn't want us to partake of (the fun side of the hat). We may think it's harmless, but only God knows the end result in our lives of so called harmless fun (the killer side of the hat).

I ended with a call for every student to prayerfully ask God to examine them. After a few moments, I asked for students to raise their hand of they honestly felt God was pointing out something that He wanted them to stop doing or give up. I'd say at least half if not a little more raised their hands. I prayed over them, but then I left it in their hands. If God has pointed out something, they must make the decision to obey.

It felt like a powerful ending, but I hope it remains with them.

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