July 25, 2008

Vacation Wrap Up

I can honestly say this has been the worst vacation of my life. An entire week spent recuperating from a back injury, and the process isn’t even completed yet. Just so things are updated, I am moving much better. Getting out of a chair and off the couch are no longer a battle between desire and pain. Yes, to get off the couch I had to roll onto the floor and land on my knees. After that, I would slowly use my hands to walk up the wall. Feels really good just to stand normally. I still have some knots in my back that are causing some pain, but usually only after I stand for awhile. So I’m moving around a lot better, I just can’t do it for long periods of time.

I’ve been talking about how I wanted to relax on my vacation, and this forced me to do it to the extreme. I was able to read a novel just for the pleasure of reading. I was able to clean up and organize a ton of family recipes on my computer. And, today, I was able to leave my children with their grandparents and take my wife out to lunch at a great little Hungarian cafe. By the time we got home my back drove me to my chair, but it was worth it to have some time just to talk with my wife.

It’s hard to realize my vacation is over when it feels like it never began, but so goes life.

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