August 25, 2009

The Way I Like It

We had something happen Sunday night that I love to see happen, although it seems rare in this day and age. We had someone in our service baptized in the Holy Spirit. If you are reading this and don’t know what that is, take a look at Acts chapter 2 in the Bible for a starting point. In case it’s not clear, I’m a believer that God doesn’t change and what the early church needed we still need today.

With that said, what made this so incredible is that it just happened. Ministers that bring people up to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and then try to knock the person over or coax them with what to say leave a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t believe we teach or force people. We seek God and allow him to do it. It’s his gift to give.

On Sunday night, God moved into our service in a powerful way. I’m sorry to those that don’t believe, but you could sense that he was there. The entire service ended up being a time of worship and prayer. Good stuff. Then, after it was over and people left, I found out that one of our people had been filled. They had been worshipping God and suddenly realized that they were praying and praising in other languages. As they were just spending time worshipping God the filling came.

I love it that way. When God does what he desires as people seek him.

May there be many more in the days ahead and then, may we each live every day full of the Holy Spirit.

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