January 30, 2008


Last night I had the pleasure of having my friend Cornell Jordan speak in my youth group. Cornell always tears it up and last night was no different. He spoke on having clean hands before the Lord. Good stuff. Challenging stuff. He loves physical illustrations and the close of the message was three basins for the youth to come up and wash their hands in. A red one for having sin in your life, a black one for something in your life you need to get rid of, and a white one for those that knew they were right with God but just wanted to renew and refresh their walk.

I love how God brings people into our lives. A few years ago I didn't know Cornell at all. I met him when a fellow youth pastor asked me to help with something called Camp X. He was working with the discipleship track and asked me to come. I hesitated, but eventually said yes. However, I wasn't able to attend the last planning meeting. I basically just showed up not knowing what to expect. What I found was that the discipleship track was led by this crazy guy called Cornell. Yeah, first impressions are weird. I soon learned that the "crazy" I saw was really intense passion for the Lord and helping other know the Lord. I've worked three camps with him now, have had him speak in my youth multiple times, and have had him as my youth Fall retreat speaker. I count him as one of my friends.

Cornell is currently ministering as a youth evangelist (although he can just has easily knock the socks off adults). Yeah, this is a promo for him and no, he didn't ask me to so this. Check him out.


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