January 25, 2011


This is totally pointless, but I thought I would try and write an extremely short story on the spur of the moment.  Once and awhile I try to keep the creative juices flowing.  You can decide for yourself whether or not this story was actually creative.


It's completely irrational.   I know it is.  It's  stupid, childish, and completely foolish.

Yet it stalks me.  It is the hunter and I am the prey.  Too many shadows have sent me running, but run I must.  I promise you that one time it will be in that shadow, and it will kill me.

No, I must remind myself that it is a silly fear.  Nothing more.  I am safe.  It can't harm me.

Unless that's what it wants me to think.  To let my guard down.  To relax.  It's watching me.  I can feel it.  It knows I refuse to accept its power.

No, no, no!  That's the talk of a crazy person and I am not crazy!  Really I'm not!  At least, I don't think I am.

Clever fiend.  I debate and wrestle in my mind and you draw closer.  Waiting for the moment to strike.  End it!  Just release my mind from its tortured dreams.

I will live!  I am an idiot.  Of course I will live.  It can't hurt me.  It can't even move.  Why do I fear something that cannot even crawl.

Because you have your helpers.  A guest in my house.  My very own friend.  You used him.  Unwittingly you used him and you prepared the culmination of your hatred.  I didn't expect to see you there.  The opening of the door and face to face.

What am I saying?  There was never any danger.  My house.  My castle.  My refuge.  You were there but I was safe.

I thought I was safe, but you found a way in.  I conceded the grocery store to you.  Your domain, you win.  Then you tracked me to my restaurant.  You wouldn't even leave me that would you?  Now my own residence?  Must I live in fear of my own home?

Stop it.  You're sounding crazy!

You want me to open that door again.  I got it closed the first time, but I know you are still there.  Everything in there can rot with you.  I will not open that door again.

I can do this.  Just a door.  I've opened it a thousand times.  There's nothing to fear.

McIntosh.  Granny.  Fuji.  A thousand names, one purpose, my demise.  Do it already!  End this game!

I will open the door.  My fridge, nothing more.  All will be fine.

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