Imagine you are at the marriage supper of the Lamb with all the saints of God. Across from you is a girl that appears about five years old. People are talking and laughing and just enjoying themselves. As the dinner progresses, you and the girl begin talking. You ask her how she came to be here. She opens up and begins her story.
"I lived in Rome not long after the time of Christ. My parents became believers in Jesus and so did my brother and I. One day, people began treating us different. It was as if they hated us. I wasn't sure why, but my dad simply told us it was because of Christ. Then one day, they came and took my dad away. We waited, but he never came back. My mom cried a lot, but she always said that one day we would all be together again because of Jesus. It wasn't that long and they came and took my mother away. I remember trying to run after her and some soldier hit me. I woke up later and she was gone. She never came back. The very next day they came and took my brother and myself. They led us to a large coliseum and walked us out to the middle. I remember the crowds yelling, cursing, and laughing at us. We were given a choice. Refuse Christ and we would be allowed to walk away. Otherwise we would face the consequences." She looks over at you from across the table. "I couldn't refuse Jesus. I wouldn't. So we were left out there in the middle. I was holding my brothers hand as tight as I could. Across the coliseum we watched the doors open and the lions came." She brings her story to a close. "It's pretty clear how that part of my story ends. Worth it though because I'm here." She then smiles at you. "Enough about me, how did you make it here?"
In that moment, in an odd way, your stomach drops. Your life flashes before your eyes. You lived in America, one of the most powerful and prosperous nations the world has ever known. You had food, shelter, technology, wealth, toys, and almost anything you could imagine. Not only did you learn about Jesus in a nice air conditioned church, but you even had the benefit of being in a children's ministry and then a youth group. You had access to the Bible at home, on the Internet, and on your phone anytime you wanted it. You faced minimal opposition to your faith. Yet, with all those benefits you barely served the Lord. You did little to share his truth. You loved him, but found it hard to really serve him. The Word flashes through your head that you made it, but as one escaping through the fire.
For clarification, I wasn't there and the story here is written second hand from what my wife shared with me. I'm sure I modified and embellished it a little, but I think I captured the story as I understood it. I don't know if it's original or if he found it somewhere, but I really like it. It's a gut check on how we are living our lives.
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