November 11, 2009


I have the honor of meeting every other week with three students from
my youth ministry that feel God may be calling them into full time
ministry. Before each time, we all listen to a podcast and then come
together to discuss it. It's a great resource and I'll give the
website a plug at the end. Even though we've only met a couple times
so far, I'm really enjoying it. Talking about the call of God and the
ministry is stirring something in me. It's taking me back to the days
when I felt God calling me. It's fanning into a flame again a passion
to love and serve others. The whole point of these meetings is to
really help them understand what the ministry entails and to help them
prayerfully make their calling sure. Yet, as we talk, I find myself
realizing that I really enjoy what I do. Beyond the struggles,
problems, and heartaches I face in the ministry, there is something
incredible about serving God in this calling.

1 comment:

roncone said...

Matt. Was encouraged by your post and how God us using you to mentor others. Thrilled that explorethecall is being used in a positive way to build the kingdom.