September 17, 2009

The Hat

My final contribution to the "Everything a Message" series must be based upon this crazy hat to the right. The liner inside is a beautiful leopard print while that outside radiates a happiness that can only come from a stunning Day-Glo orange fuzz. Yeah, that was a stretch.

Anyway, this one is a stumper. I know with a hat people automatically think helmet of salvation, but this hat really doesn't conjure up images of strength and warfare. I know I could make one of my youth extremely happy if I preached on Samson while wearing the hat, only to take it off when I get to the part of Delilah cutting off his hair. Yet, wearing the hat definitely would be a distraction. The object is meant to help us learn something, not just be an amusing prop.

So, I need to figure something out. As always, I would love some ideas from people that read this. Either leave a comment on my blog or leave a comment to the post in Facebook.

On Facebook? The original post resides at

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