The premise is fascinating to me because the book winds up being the story of an atheist having to attend a variety of churches at the request of his Ebay buyer. What follows are some candid observations from an atheist as he finds both services he enjoys and others that wanted to fall asleep in. Having grown up in the church, it becomes easy to accept things because that’s just the way they are. Having a man that most would designate as an outsider to the Christian faith step into churches and offer critique sounds crazy, but it provides some interesting insights.
In fact, I found myself completely agreeing with his opinion that worship (singing) portions at some churches go on for extreme amounts of time and basically are filled with one chorus being repeated again and again and again. That’s a completely different blog post, but it was amusing to find myself on common ground with an atheist concerning a common (it seems) church practice.
Will you agree with everything he writes? Most assuredly you won’t. Will the ending disappoint you? If you want him a Christian by the end of the book you better not pick it up. Will your faith and the way we do church be challenged? Yeah, and that’s probably a good thing.
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