You already know it’s not easy being a single man in this culture today. But it is easy to be overwhelmed, to feel helpless and hopeless about living by God’s high standards for singles. It’s easy to cave in to the pressures of this sex-soaked world and accept defeat—blaming the media, the culture, even girlfriends who don’t know how tough it can be.
But many men have read books like Every Young Man’s Battle and Tactics and have committed themselves to stand strong and pure in the power of God, and to go on the offensive against the onslaught of negative stereotypes. Some have suffered. Some have fallen. But many have experienced victory—and you can be among them.
What makes those committed men so desirable to women? Be Her Hero is their motto. From best-selling author Fred Stoeker, along with his son Jasen, come the straightforward insight and real-life examples you’re looking for to help you take personal purity to its logical conclusion. Here’s straight truth with irrefutable evidence of what makes an ultimate hero to women who long for men of faith—men who stand by their convictions and make their world a safer and better place.
Are you ready to accept the challenge?
Authors Bios
Fred Stoeker is a best-selling author of several books, including Every Young Man’s Battle and Tactics, the president of Living True Ministries, and a popular conference speaker who challenges men to become sexually pure, to reconnect in true intimate relationship with their wives, and to train their sons to become godly men. A graduate of Stanford University, Fred lives in Des Moines, Iowa with his wife, Brenda, and their children.
Mike Yorkey, a writer living in Encinitas, California, has collaborated with Fred Stoeker in all his books for the Every Man’s series.
Jasen Stoeker is a popular conference speaker who challenges young men to be heroic in their relationships with women and to be a Christian, rather than just seem like one. Jasen is a graduate of Iowa State University with degrees in Computer Engineering and Computer Science and now lives in Minneapolis, MN, with his wife Rose.
My thoughts
I’ve read various books by Fred Stoeker and have always been challenged by them. I’m sure they don’t sit well with some people because they’re very open and honest about the struggles that men have with lust and pornography. I’ve read comments in the past mocking the books (even from so called Christians) for the books’ strong stance on Ephesians 5:3, “But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.” I’ll be honest, there have been times where I’ve felt that it is almost impossible to live up to the standards God has commanded and that these books champion. It can be done though and the results are worth it.
While his previous books have dealt more with lust, this book tackles the issue from the perspective of being the man that women really want. A man of uncompromising standards and integrity, A man that will fight tooth and nail to preserve his purity and the purity of the women around him. Fred brings in his son’s perspective, a man that has chosen this path and had victory. The testimony is pretty amazing.
The book challenges us to lives worthy of Christ. This means taking strong stands on holiness. It means making hard choices even when those around us are willing to compromise. While the target audience is young men (single of course), it convicted me again and again as a man that has been married for several years now. It opened my eyes once again to myself and even more, it has caused me to turn my eyes to my 18 month old son. His battle is still several years away, but I need to be ready to walk with him through it.
Let me wrap up this review with one thought that hit me hard from the chapter “The Promise of Pain.” Fred writes, “Sex is not a guy’s ticket to manhood. Suffering is.” As men, we grow the most when we are put in a place of pain. We draw nearer to Christ and find true male maturity when we suffer yet remain strong. Maybe it’s just me, but that was an eye opener. The more I reflect on it the more I’m beginning to believe it. Scripture consistently tells us to be willing to suffer for the Lord. The heroes of the faith always suffered. In this fight for holiness, it will mean suffering.
This is a powerful book. I completely and totally recommend it.
Check out the book at the Random House website or buy it from my favorite bookseller Amazon.
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