January 24, 2008

The Curse of Dial Up

Any visitor to my blog knows that it doesn't get updated frequently. Not my fault. I still live in the world of dial up internet. I use to be able to upload my site over it. It took a long time, but it worked. Some time in the past two months or so I discovered I could no longer upload the site. I think some software upgrades on my end didn't like trying to upload all the changes that I was making. After much trying, I've finally just come to the conclusion that I can no longer upload the website over my internet. That limits me to uploading to the site on Thursdays when I spend some time at Caribou Coffee with their Wi-Fi. So my dilemma is simple. Do I write blog entries throughout the week and then upload them all at once on Thursday? What about the weeks where I just can't get to Caribou? Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do.

Thanks to a financial blessing that helped eliminate some debt, my wife and I had some money freed up every month. We were seriously discussing the possibility of jumping up to high speed internet. I would love it not only for this blog but for my youth ministry. It was looking like it was going to happen. The money was there every month with plenty left over to help in other areas of our life. This of course is all the build up to the collapse. A letter from my landlord with a rent increase dashed any dreams I had to the ground. There's still money freed up, but I'm practical enough (and maybe even wise enough) to see that it needs to go to other places. So I'm stuck in the realm of the super slow.

I'll try to get stuff uploaded from time to time. I'm farther in the book "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day." Will try to post some more thoughts and reflections soon. Good book.

That's it. Adios.

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