July 31, 2008

Water Wars

Had a blast today heading out with a bunch of my youth for several hours of water balloons, swimming, and then roasting hot dogs. In my opinion this was the best event so far in this week of events. Just hanging out in a pool playing stupid games was refreshing. Won’t deny the fact that being in the water sure felt good on my back. Of course, the water allows you to move a lot without realizing it and my back is letting me know that tonight. Still, incredible fun.

I’m a strong believer that any group, whether it be children, youth, or adults, need time to just be together to laugh and have fun. It’s been one of my heart cries recently for my youth group. I want the Lord to draw us together. Jesus prayed that there would be unity among believers. May it be so.

July 27, 2008

The Week Begins

Tomorrow our youth event called “The Week” begins. It’s sort of our welcome to youth and last blast before school event. Band camps and other school events force us to have it at the end of July. Basically, it’s four events scattered throughout the week. It’s a lot of work and planning, but it’s usually a great time. However, there’s nothing quite like Friday afternoon when the last event ends.

July 25, 2008

Software Review - Yep

It’s been a little while since I’ve done a review, so here we go. I’m a big fan of going paperless as much as possible. Papers take up space, need a place to be stored, and always seems to be at the wrong place when you need them. Small headaches but still a headache. However, paperless pdf files pose their own set of challenges. You have to work from scratch creating folders to hold these files, you have to remember to place the pdf files into the proper location, and the worst, sometimes you wind up with pdf’s scattered all over you hard drive.

Enter Yep. Yep is great little piece of software designed to store pdf’s. Basically, it’s a one stop location all the pdf files on your computer. You can place the files directly into Yep, or, allow Yep to scan your entire drive for files. Yep will leave them in their location, but still show it in the browser.

The browser is where all the magic happens. Pdf files are shown in the middle window. A list of tags is in the left window. The window on the right changes with whatever happens to be clicked. When you work with a file, you have the ability to tag it. This is extremely powerful way to organize. Let me illustrate it.

I currently receive all my bank and credit card statements electronically as pdf’s. I drop them into Yep, tag them with a few keyword tags. Words like “Statements” and “Chase.” Previously, I set up some smart folders. Smart folders update themselves on the fly by looking for certain characteristics that you set up. I have a smart folder designed to look for any file that has the tags “Chase”, Statements”, “Checking”, and “2008.” So when I tag my bank statement with these keywords, it is automatically filed into that smart folder. I can either go to the folder to look at my statements or just start clicking on tags in the left column. Both ways get me very quickly to my statements. I have smart folders that search for such tags as “Manuals” and “Bills.”

I was a little dubious when I first got this software, but it has proven itself again and again. It’s the one thing that has made me a lot more comfortable moving more and more towards having completely paperless statements for all my bills.

Check it out at Ironic Software. Yeah, it’s only for Macs.

Vacation Wrap Up

I can honestly say this has been the worst vacation of my life. An entire week spent recuperating from a back injury, and the process isn’t even completed yet. Just so things are updated, I am moving much better. Getting out of a chair and off the couch are no longer a battle between desire and pain. Yes, to get off the couch I had to roll onto the floor and land on my knees. After that, I would slowly use my hands to walk up the wall. Feels really good just to stand normally. I still have some knots in my back that are causing some pain, but usually only after I stand for awhile. So I’m moving around a lot better, I just can’t do it for long periods of time.

I’ve been talking about how I wanted to relax on my vacation, and this forced me to do it to the extreme. I was able to read a novel just for the pleasure of reading. I was able to clean up and organize a ton of family recipes on my computer. And, today, I was able to leave my children with their grandparents and take my wife out to lunch at a great little Hungarian cafe. By the time we got home my back drove me to my chair, but it was worth it to have some time just to talk with my wife.

It’s hard to realize my vacation is over when it feels like it never began, but so goes life.

July 21, 2008

Vacation Day 5

Still on vacation. Still in pain. Moving better, but it’s coming slowly.

July 19, 2008


My vacation started two days ago on Thursday. A week to relax, spend time with my family, and have some fun. My first project was to help my parents clean out their shed. No problem. My lower back started hurting right afterward. Sore from the work. It’s been sore before. By that night I could barely get off the chair. Friday I had to make a trip and I could barely walk. Then, looking in the mirror, I realized from the waist up my body was crooked. Strange sight. Thankfully, I found a chiropractor that was open on Saturdays. Several adjustments later and I think I’m starting to get better. I can walk better and rise from a chair easier. There’s inflammation and that is still causing problems. Hopefully it will die down soon. So, here I am on vacation and I’ve been pretty much relegated to sitting in my chair or lying on the couch.

July 16, 2008

A Sugar Coated Gospel

I’m coming to the conclusion that all people want is a sugar coated gospel. Anything with a sugar coating is bound to taste better. People want the easy stuff, but don’t want to be confronted with the hard passages of truth in God’s Word. Just last night in youth I mentioned 2 Timothy 3:12. It says,

“In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”

Not a pleasant thought, but it’s in the Word of God. It’s a hard truth and people sitting in churches need to know it. Things are not going to get better in this world. Utopia isn’t around the corner. Trials and tribulations are going to increase in these last days and God’s people need to expect that bad things are going to happen on an ever increasing scale. A little pessimistic you may ask? No, I’m a Bible realist with an eternal optimism.

No more sugar coating. We need those Christians that have been Christians for years with no growth to begin to mature in their faith. It’s time to move past the sugar coated gospel.

July 12, 2008

Wendy Goes Camp X

The coolest thing. I was watching some television tonight with my family when the Wendy’s commercial for their 99¢ chicken sandwich came on. I was barely paying attention until I realized that Wendy flashed the Camp X sign. Camp X baby.

In case you would like to see it, here’s the link to the YouTube page with the full commercial.

Camp X 2008 Final

Another Camp X has come and flown by faster than you can imagine. For those that have no clue what Camp X, I probably should have explained it earlier. Camp X is a week long camp put on by the Ohio District for students from 8th to 12th grade. The camp offered three tracks this year, discipleship, outreach, and ministry. The camp is always incredible as the student that come usually have a heart for God and want to grow and be challenged. Without a doubt that happened.

Powerful week, but I’ll be honest, hugging my wife and kids Friday when I got home was pretty good too.

If anyone from Camp X is stopping by here I say hello. If you’re looking for Hans, you’ll find a link on the appropriately named links page.

July 9, 2008

Camp X 2008 Day 3

Another day of Camp X goodness. Cornell preached a powerful sermon on having total surrender to God. Not just surrendering certain things totally, but being completely and utterly surrendered to God in every facet of our lives. Strong words that echoed through my spirit. God s really calling for his people to surrender and be holy.

It seems to be the message that God wants to get across to us.

July 7, 2008

Camp X 2008 Day 1

The first day of Camp X has once again drifted into the past. It’s one incredibly long hot day that seems to go by in a moment. It’s been great seeing the students that have chosen to walk the discipleship road with this us this week. Familiar faces (yeah I recognize you, but I have no clue about your name) and a bunch of new ones. The ludicrous thing is that the support staff wear name tags. Students? No name tags. None. It’s hard enough to remember one name let alone almost forty. I’m actually happy that I know all the names of the people that I’m working with. This is actually the first year I think.

Anyway, good services and some great sessions. God hits hard. He hits me even harder when I speak the word. Taught tonight about holiness as a lifestyle. We desperately need to be a holy people. We need to use God given wisdom when selecting entertainment choices. There’s too much at stake. Went well, especially since my hour and a half time slot was shortened to thirty minutes. I went over as long as I could, but I definitely needed more time. I wanted to have a little more interaction on the movie reviews. Oh well. I still think God gave us al something to think about and prayerfully, something to begin working out in our lives.

July 2, 2008


My student that has been battling cancer for over a year now was healed on our trip. The biopsy he’s had since returning revealed no cancer. He’ll be on crutches for several weeks until he heals from the biopsy, but no cancer. God is working.

July 1, 2008

Get Ready

Get ready. Tomorrow I should have the green light to share the most incredible thing that happened on our missions trip. We’re talking miracle. Stay tuned.